Benefits of Private Health Insurance.
Avoid paying the Medicare Levy Surcharge (MLS). The MLS is a 1.5% tax on your taxable income if you earn over a certain amount and don't...

What is Negative Gearing?
Negative gearing is a common investment strategy in Australia, where an investor borrows money to purchase an asset, such as property or...

COVID-19 Stimulus Package for Business
How the governments stimulus package will affect you, your family and your business.

COVID-19 Stimulus Package for Individuals
How the governments stimulus package will affect you, your family and your business.

COVID-19 Stimulus Package
How the governments stimulus package will benefit you

$30,000 instant asset write-off!
The Instant Tax Write off has been extended to June 2020 & has been increased to $25,000!

Log Book!
The steps you need to take to ensure you have a valid log book in which to claim a motor vehicle deduction.

Transition to Retirement
This is my first ever blog post of any kind so I thought to simply talk about what I think is relevant and important. I feel that in this p