$30,000 instant asset write-off!
The Instant Tax Write off has been extended to June 2020 & has been increased to $25,000!

Single Touch Payroll - What is it?
If you run a business, you have no doubt heard the term 'single touch payroll' by now. Like most people you have put off looking into it...

Log Book!
The steps you need to take to ensure you have a valid log book in which to claim a motor vehicle deduction.

Fringe Benefits Tax
FBT is that sneaky tax most people are not aware of. Here is short guide on what it is.

Shedding light on the Superannuation Changes
October is fast becoming the month of government back-flips. It started with Mike Baird reversing his decision to ban greyhound racing...

Transition to Retirement
This is my first ever blog post of any kind so I thought to simply talk about what I think is relevant and important. I feel that in this p